Friday, February 12, 2010


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Ahhh the wonders of "PrtSc SysRq" good thing I always make sure I save/have "proof" *VNS! *Thx *lol

"All everyone (generalizing) does is Whine and whine. hoping they are fed with milk. And most of the time, they call each other "kids" Either everyone take action or stop whining. It does no good"

Now let us look at his previous post:

My Take: This is all you have been doing yourself. What a hypocrite! I see nothing but WHIMPER and SNIVEL. Back up and Enjoy a warm cup of STHU milk. Why don't you yourself go through Consumers Protection Acts in KOREA and educate yourself on how customers from that country are protected. Since it is stipulated in Softnyx's Policy, The competent court for disputes regarding use of service is under the civil suit. The Korean law will be applied for lawsuits between the company and users.

Now going back (see screenies for better understanding *Thx) and to add up to it all..

1. And what say he on his bold claim that Softnyx can be charged with "Breach Of Trust"? After confronting him about it.. the moron folds up and apologizes then hits back with a lame insult. Try harder idiot. haha. IN YOUR FACE! haha stop pretending to know shit. Because you don't! again, IN YOUR FACE! LOL!

2. Then after such, he shifts off issue at hand and gets personal.. what a dumb ass. Then again, there's really not much to expect from people VERY LOW IN BOTH IQ and EQ. Sad but true.

3. Next, he throws yet another baseless irrelevant question. ROFLMFAO and worse it points out he actually does not know how to comprehend. The idiot then accuses me of putting in irrelevancy and none-substantial points into play. At this point you will see that he still hasn't answered the question "Who are you to speak on behalf of the General Population"

4. Yes I have been picking and pointing out players typos and errors, but in case anyone hasn't noticed, i only degrade those who deserve it. So, Very Nice Try on generalizing it yet again, and hoping your sorry little ass will gain people to back you up on your stupidity, worse part is, people who will, are just as dumb as well. hahaha.

5. GREAT! I'm the one who supposedly doesn't UNDERSTAND.. I'm the one who supposedly cant COMPREHEND. NOT. haha. And again, see how stupid he really is as pointing out that I was the one who  started insulting and ruined a good conversation. MORON!

6. No one is jealous of me? NOT TRUE. Majority of the players, if given a a chance, would grab the opportunity to be a GameMaster. and I know you yourself would love to, don't even try denying it boy.  It shows. haha.

And i'm not even gonna stress out on my average-non-aimbot-like-an-aimbot-at-times skill haha and need i point out as well that I'm a sexy beast? aahahahahhhahahahah

7. I'm suffering from inferiority complex? How the hell can an Ex-GameMaster be inferior to those who will never attain and experience such a level/status? LMFAO! /FAIL

No, I don't think highly of myself. I just think so low of you and your type *lol  see so much weakness in how most of you relate to issues. Your manner of thinking and comprehending as well. Such WEAKNESS. So Sad.

8. HOLY CRAP! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! See what I mean by learning how to READ then COMPREHENDING what you just read? Seeing as he boldly states that "in no instance i shift off the issues" and worse, he puts it yet again, on me. 

Oh well. haha.

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